A professional who is seeking an available position as an Administrative Assistant. Strong working knowledge and experience in office management in several leading organizations that supported the executive management in a high paced environment in the areas of accounting, sales, and marketing. Experienced at administrative functions that reach fast-track revenue goals targeted at state and national levels. Strong in analytical, verbal and written communications, customer relations, initiating, and planning skills. Ability to perform beyond normal expectations and driven to reach company’s goals by 100%. Strong interpersonal skills applied to interact with customers and the general public to resolve conflict and to consistently exceed your expectations on a daily basis. High proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, calendaring, travel arrangements, and planning of regular meetings.  Strong experience in Microsoft Programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and can type over 60+ wpm. Experience emphasizes support to several key positions while ensuring that each person’s goals are successfully met prior to deadline.  Experienced with new business development projects (million dollar goals) that include initiating calls to new accounts or new partnerships. Experienced with negotiating rates with vendors to lower company’s costs and keeping in mind of achieving company’s sales and marketing goals proactively. Able to work in a team-oriented, multi-tasking environment or can work independently to effectively complete complex projects.  Dedicated and determined to provide superior customer services to internal and external customers. Seriously seeking to be a part of a strategic team to assist in assured sale’s growth.

professional/software SKILLS

  Strong MS Word                                               Quickfill/FileMaker Reporting

  Strong MS Excel                                                Adobe Software Programs

  Strong MS PowerPoint                                      Typing 60+ wpm

  Strong MS Access                                             All Windows Environments

  Strong MS Internet skills                                    SAP eSourcing Software

  Strong MS Publisher                                          DOS/Windows Accounting Software

  MS Outlook/GroupWise                                    Transcribing/Dictation Equipment

  Financial/Marketing Software                             Act I & II Data Management

  PC/MAC Computers                                         ProLaw/TrailWorks Programs


professional EXPERIENCE


Georgia-Pacific LLC/Encadria Staffing, Atlanta, GA              

Depart of Strategic Sourcing and Procurement, Capital Procurement Division

Administrative Assistant to Global Director (2007 – 2009)

Daily supported the Global Director, 6 Sourcing Managers, and 4 Sourcing Analysts that oversaw the North America and Asian Mill Operations in construction and equipment; processed capital purchase and capital services’ legal contracts; managed capital procurement’s monthly savings ($100 million dollars of annual savings).


§         Key assistance to an annual savings of over $100 million dollars surpassing the corporation's budget.

§         Managed bids for RFPs, RFQs, and Contract Management utilizing SAP eSourcing program.

§         Assisted with the launching of new online Auction (included cold calls to selected suppliers) that produced over a million dollars within the first two quarters.

§         Assisted with the strategic planning and development of key projects that met 100% of the objectives.


University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham, AL  

Research Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology

Administrative Assistant to Division Director (2004 – 2007)

Daily supported the Division Director and 25-faculty members that overseen state, public, and federal government grant funding with national initiatives and this included competitive granting agencies like National Institutes of Health, Veterans Administration, and Department of Defense with an annual of $17 million dollars.


§         Independent administration of highly competitive grants like National Institutes of Health, Veterans Administration, and Department of Defense.

§         Key assistance to new competitive grants that increased grant funding to an additional $2 million dollars.

§         Key assistance in graduate studies (masters and doctorate programs) to ensure competitive structure and curriculum are aligned with other institutions across the country.

§         Assisted with many university-wide federal applications that had national competition (including Yale and Harvard).


United Way of Central Alabama, Birmingham, AL         

Depart of Planning and Community Affairs and Initiatives                                                    

Senior Administrative Assistant to Senior Vice President (2003 – 2004)

Actively supported the Senior Vice President of Business Development, 3 Assistant Vice Presidents, and 3 Directors in the Department of Planning and Community Initiatives that overseen public, private and government grant funding of over $17 million dollars annually.


§         Independently managed new pilot and special projects for prominent and key contributors to effectively increase contributions, add new partnerships, and expanded awareness.

§         Key administrator to the senior executive management’s new business projects that included cold calls to new prospects across the state of Alabama and effectively reached100% of the objectives.

§         Key assistance to many of the corporation’s social services programs that included early development to high school aged children across a 5-county area.

§         Assisted the senior social worker with research on social trends and statistical data for the southeast region and disseminating information across key agencies.

§         Independently managed two executive committee meetings that were key for approval of new programs and this included minute taking for state records.

§         Key assistance and liaison of meetings that were televised for key issues and developmental news.


Perry, Harper, & Perry Communications, Birmingham, AL

Divisions: Accounting, Sales, Broadcast, Advertising, and Graphic Art

Executive Assistant/Receptionist (2002–2003)

Directly supported the President, 2 Vice Presidents, and 3 Directors in the operations of commercial broadcast, print, and radio.


§         Managed company’s monthly client billing and resolved billing discrepancies ($250,000 monthly billing).

§         Key assistance in the overall operational processes of commercial advertisement for the Alabama market.

§         Regularly managed broadcast orders and direct contact on production processes and issues for television commercial spots for the Alabama market.

§         Handled and conducted cold calls to the southeast region to increase sales.

§         Processed key mass mailings and prepared key documents for high profile clients.


Cory, Watson, Crowder and DeGaris, Birmingham, AL           

Department of Mass Torts and Pharmaceuticals

Mass Tort Assistant (2002)

Assisted 1 Managing Partner and 12 Attorneys with national case reviews on many pharmaceuticals.


§         Regularly managed the invoices across the country and processed for payments.  Instrumental in saving thousands of dollars by utilizing each state’s statutes.

§         Instrumental in producing high profile presentations for key pharmaceutical meetings.

§         Managed all the mass mailings for the firm for key collaboration.




§         2006 University of Alabama at Birmingham , Supervisory Certification Program

§         2005 University of Alabama at Birmingham , Grants Administration Levels I, II, and III

§         2004 Samford University , Legal Secretary Certification Program (NALS)

§         2003Barrington University , Pursuant of Bachelors of Business Administration (Obtained Associates Level in Bachelor’s Degree Program)

§         1998, Accredited Time and Workflow Management Course, Exclusive Franklin Covey

§         1996 Jefferson State Community College , Full Charge Bookkeeper Certification Program

§         1995 University of Alabama at Birmingham , Executive Secretarial Certification Program

§         Notary Public, Alabama State-At-Large for five years

§         Member, International Administrative Assistant Professionals Association